Queensland Titles Registry Form 24 documents (titled "Property Information (Transfer)") relating to a transfer. ...
Queensland Titles Registry Form 24 documents (titled "Property Information (Transfer)") relating to a transfer. ...
Documents, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, statistics, audits, reviews and correspondence such as emails relating to outstanding SPER debt. Please limit correspondence to the Under Treasurer.Timeframe: 1 March 2023 – 9 August 2023. ...
I am seeking information that relates to the "Fisheries Legislation (Coral) Amendment Regulation 2023" and for which documents and correspondence have been developed pursuant to "The Queensland Government Guide to Better Regulation". It may include, but not be limited to initial and interim advice, PIA,...
Financial modelling or projections used in the decision making process around the July 1, 2022, increased penalties for dangerous driving behaviours. This would include any documents that presented projected changes to state revenue that were seen by the Treasurer's office. Date range: 1 July 2020 – 1...
Correspondence between the Queensland Parliament, including Clerk of Parliament, the Queensland Parliamentary Service, and the HR department of the Parliament and Queensland Treasury regarding staff-related payments, including but not limited to deeds of release to MP electorate office staff. 25 November 2020 - 24 February 2023 ...
All documents provided to the investigator 6 July 2021 under s 87ZC(2)(a) of the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 (Qld) relating to companies and private individuals. ...
We are seeking all of the notices, infringements and warrants issued to FADHAL EXPRESS PTY LTD with regards to a 2010 Hino 300 Series truck with. ...