RTI publication scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from Queensland Treasury and usually free of charge.

Information is grouped and accessible through 8 classes.

  • About us — who we are and what we do
  • Our services — the services we offer
  • Our finances — what we spend and how we spend it
  • Our priorities — what our priorities are and how we are doing
  • Our decisions — how we make decisions
  • Our policies — our policies and procedures
  • Our legislation — the legislation administered by Treasury
  • Our lists — lists and registers


Accessing the scheme

Where possible these documents are available for you to download. Some PDF versions of scanned documents may not be readable by accessibility devices such as screen readers.

If you’re having difficulty accessing any of these documents, contact us by phone on +61 7 3035 1863 or by email: rtiadmin@treasury.qld.gov.au so that we can assist you by providing the information in an alternative format.

Publication Scheme

About TreasuryAbout us
Our key peopleAbout us
Our MinistersAbout us
Our structureAbout us
Strategic PlanAbout us
Annual reportAbout us
About TreasuryOur services
Growing QueenslandOur services
Revenue and taxationOur services
Annual reportOur services
2018-19 Service Delivery StatementOur finances
Annual ReportOur finances
Strategic PlanOur priorities
Annual reportOur priorities
Business Development FundOur decisions
Home Owner GrantsOur decisions
Improving rehabilitation and financial assurance outcomes in the resources sectorOur decisions
Northern Australia Infrastructure FacilityOur decisions
Project assessment frameworkOur decisions
Social Benefit Bonds Pilot ProgramOur decisions
Project assessment frameworkOur policies
Queensland Revenue Office client charterOur policies
Queensland Revenue Office complaints and objectionsOur policies
Project Commencement Approval policyOur policies
National Competition Policy and Queensland Local Government policy statementOur policies
Audit Committee Guidelines: Improving Accountability and PerformanceOur policies
RTI disclosure logOur lists
Public rulingsOur lists
Gifts and benefits registerOur lists
Statistics for debts registered with SPEROur lists
Aboriginal Land Act 1991 (Part 18 to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Our legislation
Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Appropriation (2020-21) Act 2021Our legislation
Appropriation Act 2019Our legislation
Appropriation Act 2020Our legislation
Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2020Our legislation
Appropriation (COVID-19) Act 2020Our legislation
Appropriation (Parliament) (2020-21) Act 2021Our legislation
Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2019Our legislation
Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2020Our legislation
Appropriation (Parliament) Act (No. 2) 2020Our legislation
Betting Tax Act 2018Our legislation
Brisbane Trades Hall Management Act 1984Our legislation
Building Boost Grant Act 2011Our legislation
Central Queensland Coal Associates Agreement Act 1968 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties); (sch. part V)Our legislation
Commonwealth Aluminium Corporation Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1957 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes Administration) Act 1999Our legislation
Community Ambulance Cover Levy Repeal Act 2011Our legislation
Competition Policy Reform (Queensland) Act 1996Our legislation
Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal (Long-term Lease) Act 2001Our legislation
Debt Reduction and Savings Act 2021Our legislation
Duties Act 2001Our legislation
Financial Accountability Act 2009Our legislation
Financial Agreement Act 1994Our legislation
Financial Intermediaries Act 1996Our legislation
Financial Sector Reform (Queensland) Act 1999Our legislation
First Home Owner Grant and Other Home Owner Grants Act 2000Our legislation
Fossicking Act 1994 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Fuel Subsidy Repeal Act 2009Our legislation
Gaming Machine Act 1991 (s. 322(a))Our legislation
Geothermal Energy Act 2010 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Government Owned Corporations Act 1993Our legislation
GST and Related Matters Act 2000Our legislation
Infrastructure Investment (Asset Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2009Our legislation
Judges (Pensions and Long Leave) Act 1957 (s.17)Our legislation
Land Tax Act 2010Our legislation
Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Act 2018Our legislation
Mineral Resources Act 1989 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994Our legislation
Mount Isa Mines Limited Agreement Act 1985 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Mutual Recognition (Queensland) Act 1992Our legislation
National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016Our legislation
Occupational Licensing National Law (Queensland) Act 2010Our legislation
Offshore Minerals Act 1998 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Payroll Tax Act 1971Our legislation
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Petroleum Act 1923 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Public Officers Superannuation Benefits Recovery Act 1988Our legislation
Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997Our legislation
Queensland Future Fund Act 2020Our legislation
Queensland Future Fund (Titles Registry) Act 2021Our legislation
Queensland Investment Corporation Act 1991Our legislation
Queensland Nickel Agreement Act 1970 (all financial and related matters); (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Queensland Treasury Corporation Act 1988Our legislation
South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) Act 2007 (including as a responsible Minister for the purposes of Chapter 2 of the Act)Our legislation
State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Facilitation Act 1996Our legislation
State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 (except to the extent administered by the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence)Our legislation
Statistical Returns Act 1896Our legislation
Statutory Authorities (Superannuation Arrangements) Act 1994Our legislation
Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982Our legislation
Superannuation (Public Employees Portability) Act 1985Our legislation
Superannuation (State Public Sector) Act 1990Our legislation
Taxation Administration Act 2001Our legislation
Thiess Peabody Coal Pty. Ltd. Agreement Act 1962 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Thiess Peabody Mitsui Coal Pty. Ltd. Agreements Act 1965 (to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 (Part 13 to the extent that it is relevant to royalties)Our legislation
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Queensland) Act 2003Our legislation

Enquiries, complaints and feedback

If you have any enquiries, feedback or complaints regarding our publication scheme please contact us:

Administrative Review
Queensland Treasury

Phone: +61 7 3035 1863

Email: RTI@treasury.qld.gov.au

Last updated: 29 June 2021