New and proposed regulations

Treasury is committed to a competitive regulatory framework that supports Queensland’s economy and encourages investment, while ensuring necessary community and environmental safeguards are maintained.

Queensland’s regulatory review framework is set out in the Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy, and outlines the Regulatory Impact Analysis process that must be undertaken for all new and amending regulation.

Impact Analysis Statements

Under the Policy, an Impact Analysis Statement (IAS) is required for all regulatory proposals.

Approved Treasury IASs are published below.

Proclamation – State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Amendment Act 2024

Date of publication: 9 July 2024
Name of regulation or legislation: State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Amendment Act 2024
Submission type: Impact Analysis Statement

Queensland State Budget 2024–25

Date of publication: 11 June 2024
Name of regulation or legislation: Appropriation Bill 2024 and Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2024
Submission type: Summary IAS

Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Date of publication: 11 June 2024
Name of regulation or legislation: Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024
Submission type: Summary IAS

Amendments to the Mineral Resources Act 1989 to introduce a coal royalty rate floor

Date of publication: 10 May 2024
Name of regulation or legislation: Progressive Coal Royalties Protection (Keep Them in the Bank) Bill 2024
Submission type: Summary IAS

Amendments to the Financial Provisioning Act

Date of publication: 18 April 2024
Name of regulation or legislation: Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Act 2018
Submission type: Summary Impact Analysis Statement

State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Amendment Bill 2024

Date of publication: 17 April 2024
Name of regulation or legislation: State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Act 1996
Submission type: Impact Analysis Statement

Motor Accident Insurance (Administration Fee and Levies) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024

Date of publication: 22 February 2024
Name of regulation or legislation: Motor Accident Insurance (Administration Fee and Levies) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024
Submission type: Summary IAS

Statutory Bodes Financial Arrangements Amendment Regulation 2023

Date of publication: 24 November 2023
Name of regulation or legislation: Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Regulation 2019
Submission type: Summary IAS

Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2023

Date of publication: 10 October 2023
Name of regulation or legislation: Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2023
Submission type: Summary IAS

Regulation approving proposed exemption regulations under the Mutual Recognition Act 1992 (Cth) – Tasmanian Container Deposit Scheme

Date of publication: September 2023
Name of regulation or legislation: Mutual Recognition (Queensland) (Tasmanian Container Deposit Scheme) Amendment Regulation 2023
Submission type: Summary IAS

Gazette Notice approving proposed exemption regulations under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (Cth) – Northern Territory and Tasmanian Container Deposit Schemes

Date of publication: September 2023
Name of regulation or legislation: Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Queensland) (NT and Tasmanian Container Deposit Schemes) Notice 2023
Submission type: Summary IAS

Last updated: 9 July 2024