Diversity and inclusion

“As someone who lives with chronic health conditions and disability, Treasury’s graduate program provided me with the opportunity to participate in, and contribute to, work that I never thought would be realistically achievable. Through equitable application processes, reasonable working adjustments, and just an overall inclusive and supportive environment, I now feel empowered more than ever to work to my greatest potential in a field that I am passionate about.”
Lydia, 2022 Treasury graduate

Treasury is committed to building a demographically diverse workforce reflective of Queensland’s communities, while providing an inclusive, safe and respectful workplace for all employees.

Our Inclusion Matters statement, signed by our Under Treasurer and other senior leaders, is our department’s commitment to building an inclusive culture in which our diversity is valued, respected and celebrated.  We actively support inclusion and equity in our day-to-day decision making and practices. Our diversity and inclusion program supports the Queensland public sector’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2021-2025.

At Queensland Treasury, our Equity and Diversity Action Plan reflects our strong commitment. We’re dedicated to creating a workplace where fairness, respect, inclusion, and cultural safety are integrated into everything we do.

Central to the plan is taking an evidence-based approach to identifying and addressing potential inequities within our workforce, ensuring that any actions to address these are targeted, measurable and flexible. A critical element of the plan is actively involving, educating, and consulting our workforce to ensure that strategies and actions are collaboratively shaped, resulting in fundamental change.

Diversity is a strength

Our workforce diversity is a strength – it gives us a collective capability that represents the Queensland community and the different perspectives and experiences that enable us to make better decisions and recommendations as a central agency.

Treasury has six diversity and inclusion focus areas:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Disability
  • Gender equity
  • Cultural diversity
  • Generational diversity.

Our diversity and inclusion program includes initiatives that assist us to deliver on our commitments in Treasury’s Cultural Capability Action Plan and Disability Service Plan, as well as the Queensland Government’s Multicultural Action Plan.

Leading our inclusive workplace

Treasury’s Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee

Treasury’s Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee provides guidance and direction to diversity and inclusion strategy and policy across our department. It includes senior leadership from across Treasury, representatives from Treasury’s Diversity and Inclusion Employee Network, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and representatives from diverse groups.

Treasury’s Diversity and Inclusion Employee Network

Treasury’s Diversity and Inclusion Employee Network provides employees with an opportunity to be actively involved in the direction of key workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives. Membership of the network is open to all employees.

Supporting careers in government

Treasury’s commitment to building a diverse workforce starts with inclusive recruitment – treating all applicants equitably and making reasonable adjustments to support applicants at all stages of the process.

Treasury’s Cadetship Program focuses on increasing the department’s cultural diversity, specifically representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in recognition of the vital contributions First Nations people can make across economic, cultural and organisational domains.

Contact us

For more information, contact TreasuryInclusion@treasury.qld.gov.au.

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Last updated: 16 July 2024