Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in Liquidation...
Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in Liquidation...
Documents in relation to the decision-making process to lwoer the Paradise Dam wall....
Briefing notes or material prepared in advance for the Treasurer's meetings on 24 August 2019 at the ALP Business Partnership Program....
Settlements reached in relation to personal injury claims made by students (or their families on their behalf) injured in accidents involving school playgrounds, glass doors, glass windows and fights involving other students at Queensland state schools between January 1, 2018 to October 1, 2019....
Arrangements between Racing Queensland and other agencies or Ministers of the Queensland Government, or between Queensland agencies, under which payments are to be made or may be made to Racing Queensland to compensate in any manner for the introduction of point of consumption betting tax...
A copy of any delegations made by the Treasurer to the Commissioner of State Revenue covering the Treasurer's functions and powers under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 and supporting Regulations referenced in Royalty Ruling ROY001.1....
Documents for the past two financial years (2017/18 and 2018/19), containing: 1. The number of parking fines issued; 2. The postcodes of where the parking fines were issued; 3. The dollar value in fines issued; 4. The top five parking fine recipients over the two-and-a-half...
Documents predicting (a) the future demand of Queensland coal (including thermal and metallurgical), (b) including the 10 and/or 20 and/or 30 year predictions. Dated June 2019 - 28 October 2019....
A copy of the report commissioned by Queensland Treasury in response to the Independent Commission of Audit Report, which relates to financial assistance provided to the Queensland film industry....
Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation....