Full staff list for the Treasurer's office as at the date of application including name (first and surname), position title. ...
Applicant seeking documents relied upon in decision making by Queensland Revenue Office, in relation to an objection response. ...
I am looking for below details: 1. Detailed Assessment Criteria for Expression of Interest of State sponsored permanent residency visa (subclass 190 & 491) 2. Number of Invitation issued for Subclass 190 between 1 September 2023 to 31 January 2024 and the occupations with Points under which...
All documents, or computer-generated datasets, detailing the changes in south-east Queensland population projections for the year 2046, as most recently forecast under the draft SEQ Regional Plan. For example, how previous projections for the Brisbane City Council area compare with the latest projection. ...
Calibration certificate for new acusensus harmony TS1, Serial number SS2204240009 detection device that was at site location 6801035 Dawson Highway Biloela on the date of the 21/08/2023. ...
Documents held within Queensland Revenue Office regarding companies in liquidation. ...
I would like to access aggregated data on how many seatbelt fines from Queensland’s automated seatbelt detection cameras are in each sub-category of offence as determined by the description of the offence in the ‘alleged offence’ field on the fines. I would like to know specifically: 1....
All departmental briefings to the Treasurer, and all correspondence between the Treasurer and federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers, regarding the Independent Strategic Review of the Infrastructure Investment Program. The date range for this request is 1 July 2023 to today. ...