The Queensland Treasury Strategic Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan outlines the department’s waste management practices. It has been developed in accordance with the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 and the State’s waste management strategy: Waste – Everyone’s responsibility: Queensland Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy (2014-2024).
Queensland Treasury has issued the revised Guidelines for Machinery of Government (MOG) changes. Please complete and sign the Machinery of Government transfer sign-off form and return it to your Treasury Analyst once the transfer amounts have been agreed.
Primarily, a MOG change is the formal transfer of functions from one department to another. Although these guidelines focus on the official MOG changes to departmental functions, the principles may also be applied to other Government directed transfers such as functions transferred to, from or between statutory bodies or Government Owned Corporations.
An example is available to assist departments completing the MOG transfer sign-off form. The example is located on Treasury’s Tridata web page under ‘Support’ and then ‘Downloads’.
These annual financial statement requirements include the Minimum Reporting Requirements and assist agencies in the preparation of their financial statements. The requirements provide updates on new and revised accounting policies and standards and additional guidance and advice on the application of such policies and standards.
The Non-Current Asset Policies for the Queensland Public Sector (NCAP) on this web page are mandatory for departments and statutory bodies (for reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2019). It is expected that agencies will adopt processes for their circumstances and operational characteristics.
This self assessment checklist for identifying, accounting and reporting impacts from natural disasters seeks to guide agencies accounting and reporting process to reflect better practice.
The purpose of the Cross-Agency Funding Framework (the Framework) is to outline the options available to Government and departments to fund cross-agency initiatives. Specifically, the Framework provides alternative models for how funding can be distributed to agencies, i.e. how best to get funding from the centralised Consolidated Fund out to departments (who then distribute funds to other entities where required). The models can be applied whether an initiative is funded from internal sources, from a reprioritisation of existing funding, or by new funding. Several agencies already utilise the Framework’s models, albeit on an informal basis.
The Framework provides for three broad types of funding models:
• Lead agency funding
• Multi-agency funding (simple), and
• Multi-agency funding (complex).
The funding approach adopted will depend upon the complexity surrounding the initiative, particularly the number of agencies involved.
The purpose of the Company Financial Reporting policy is to outline the annual financial reporting requirements for Public Sector companies established under the Corporations Act 2001.
This policy has been revised in June 2021 and is effective for reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2020.
Departments and statutory bodies must comply with the Non-Current Asset Policies for the Queensland Public Sector (NCAP) which sets out policies designed to assist the development of a framework for the identifying, acquiring, maintaining, disposing, valuing or revaluing, recording and writing-off assets.
The Standard Chart of Accounts for nonprofit organisations has been developed by QUT and provides a common approach to the capture of accounting information by community organisations across Australia.