The Queensland Treasury Strategic Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan outlines the department’s waste management practices. It has been developed in accordance with the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 and the State’s waste management strategy: Waste – Everyone’s responsibility: Queensland Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy (2014-2024).
The Consolidated Fund Financial Report contains particulars of transactions and balances of the Consolidated Fund and details of collections from, and appropriation paid to, each Department (including adjustments to original appropriation). The most recent report is the Consolidated Fund Financial Report 2023–24.
The Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment, the Honourable Cameron Dick MP, tabled the 2024-25 Queensland Budget in Parliament on Tuesday 11 June 2024.
The 2022-23 Report on State Finances was tabled by the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment Cameron Dick on 26 October 2023.
The 2022-23 Report on State Finances incorporates both the Outcomes Report prepared on a Uniform Presentation Framework (UPF) basis and the AASB1049 Financial Statements prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, providing a comprehensive view of the financial operations and position of the Queensland Government.
The Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment, the Honourable Cameron Dick MP, tabled the 2023-24 Queensland Budget in Parliament on Tuesday 13 June 2023.
The Treasurer and Minister for Investment, the Honourable Cameron Dick MP, tabled the 2022-23 Queensland Budget in Parliament on Tuesday 21 June 2022.
The Treasurer and Minister for Investment, the Honourable Cameron Dick MP, tabled the 2021-22 Queensland Budget in Parliament on Tuesday 15 June 2021.
The Treasurer and Minister for Investment, the Honourable Cameron Dick MP, tabled the 2020-21 Queensland Budget in Parliament on Tuesday 1 December 2020. The Queensland Government produces several documents to communicate the key elements of the budget. The 2020-21 suite of papers includes:
The Deputy Premier and Treasurer, the Honourable Jackie Trad MP, delivered the Budget speech in Parliament on Tuesday 11 June 2019. The Queensland Government produces several documents to communicate the key elements of the State Budget. The suite of budget papers includes:
The Deputy Premier and Treasurer, the Honourable Jackie Trad MP, delivered the Budget speech in Parliament on Tuesday 12 June 2018. The Queensland Government produces several documents to communicate the key elements of the State Budget. The suite of budget papers includes:
The Treasurer, the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, delivered the Budget speech in Parliament on Tuesday, 13 June 2017.
The Queensland Government produces several documents to communicate the key elements of the State Budget. The suite of budget papers includes: