Queensland’s Business Development Fund (BDF) has supported more than 50 Queensland start-ups to help businesses turn their ideas and innovations into commercial realities – supporting over 400 new jobs and attracting new industries to Queensland.
The Business Development Fund is closed to new applications
Since 2016, the Fund has supported the growth of more than 50 innovative Queensland businesses, especially in emerging industries. BDF’s investments have helped these businesses create high-value, knowledge-based and skilled jobs now and into the future. The Fund has supported the creation of more than 400 new jobs and attracted new industries to Queensland.
Through providing early stage co-investment funding, the Business Development Fund has promoted angel and venture capital investment in Queensland-based businesses. This helps to facilitate the development of a sustainable private market for venture capital finance in Queensland.
The Fund continues to manage its ongoing investments and to deliver outcomes for the respective businesses and Queensland more broadly.
Investments made in Queensland businesses
The Queensland Government appointed an independent Investment Panel consisting of experienced private investors who have a strong background in entrepreneurship, and early stage investment, particularly in innovative start-ups or growing technology businesses.
The Panel reviewed the applications and those that best meet the investment criteria were invited to pitch. Panel members make the final investment decision based on a majority vote.
There were no Government representatives on the Investment Panel and members made an independent investment decision.
More information
For industry and business support, visit the Business Queensland website.
Startups can find resources and assistance on the Chief Entrepreneur website.
Details on other Queensland Government programs can be found on the Advance Queensland website.